This policy is about our emails and any related and approved attachments delivered via our email servers within our registered domain “” (herein referred as “our Messages”) by our employees, employees of R Systems group, and those we work with (herein referred as “our Employees”) as part of our business operations. It covers confidentiality notices, misdelivery concerns, security, employee liability notices and concerns regarding unintentionally entering into contracts. It serves as a reference to disclaimers for our Messages sent by our Employees. It is not related to emails provided due to subscriptions to our website containing public information.
This subsection covers any breach of confidentiality that may occur, addressing the notification and protection of confidential material in use.
Please note that our Messages are intended only for the use of the addressee and may contain R Systems information that is privileged and confidential. Please protect this information accordingly and do not store such information on unprotected systems directly accessible from the Internet. The disclosure and/or dissemination of our Messages, without prior written consent from R Systems or R Systems authorized representatives, is considered a breach of confidentiality and may be identified as a criminal offence. In such case, we will report any such breach to the relevant law enforcement authorities and we will co-operate with those authorities for any required actions in order to comply with all applicable laws and regulations.
This subsection provides information in case our Messages are erroneously misdelivered.
Due to human interactions, our Messages may be misdelivered as a result of inaccuracies or errors when referring addressees. We apologize in advance for any inconveniences this may cause. When such situations occur, are identified and reported, we will immediately take all appropriate actions to comply with all applicable laws and regulations. We impose constrains and follow the best practices for such situations not to happen, however, if an addressee of our Messages is not the intended recipient or an authorized representative of the intended recipient, hereby is notified that any disclosure, dissemination, distribution or taking any action in reliance to the contents of such communication is strictly prohibited. If such communication has been received in error, please (1) do not access any attachment, (2) notify the sender immediately by return email, and (3) completely remove such communication, including your return email, from your owned and/or managed systems, including from the “Deleted items” folder or any folders with similar scope, and any applicable backups.
This subsection warns recipients of our Messages about the possibility of an email carrying a computer virus.
Please note that our company has taken reasonable precautions to ensure that no viruses are present in our Messages. Please also be aware that viruses can be transmitted via email. Email transmission cannot be guaranteed to be secure as information could be intercepted, corrupted, incomplete, or contain viruses. The recipient should also check our Messages for the presence of viruses. R Systems accepts no liability for any damage caused by any virus transmitted by our Messages, neither for any errors or omissions to the contents of our Messages, which arise as a result of email transmission.
This subsection protects against being liable for negligent advice on behalf of our Employees.
The views and/or opinions included in our Messages belong solely to their author and do not necessarily mirror the views and/or opinions of the company. Our Employees are obliged and expressly required not to make any defamatory statements and not to infringe or authorize any infringement of copyright or any other legal right via email communications. Any such communication is contrary to company policy and outside the scope of the employment of the individual concerned. Therefore, the company will not accept nor take any liability in respect of such communication or statements included in our Messages, or for the consequences of any actions taken on the basis of the information provided, unless that information is subsequently confirmed in writing. In case of any damages or other liabilities arising, our Employees involved are fully responsible and will be personally liable for the content of their emails.
Unintended entering into contracts
This subsection highlights that an email will not form the basis of a legally binding contract.
No employee or agent is authorized to conclude any binding agreement on behalf of R Systems or R Systems group with another party by email without express written confirmation by designated and authorized supervisor or director.
Intellectual Property
This subsection notifies about R Systems registered marketing materials which may be included in our Messages.
Various names and symbols contained in our Messages are registered trademarks of R Systems or our affiliates and requires to be protected accordingly.
It is prohibited to use in any way, without the prior written consent of R Systems, the R Systems intellectual property which shall include but is not limited to: R Systems’ name, logo, trademarks, or any other similar intellectual property, irrespective of the fact if such items are registered or not.