NetNumber selects R Systems TOP Testing Suite for Diameter testing

NetNumber, provider of software-based signaling control solutions, purchased several user licenses of the TOP Testing Suite solution for Diameter testing (Diameter Client and Diameter Server).
TOP Testing Suite is a modular software solution for end-to-end testing, evaluation and validation of telecom services. It is built around the JMeter platform with open-source elements and R Systems plug-ins and supports all major industry-wide IT and telecom protocols, including Diameter and SIP. Since its launch in 2007, the solution has been used extensively in all stages of telecom product development and deployment by both R Systems own engineers and the quality assurance teams of customer mobile operators.
R Systems is happy to announce NetNumber as a new US client win and looks forward to further supporting the customer in the development of its solutions and products.

About NetNumber

NetNumber is a US-based provider of software-based signaling-control solutions. For over 15 years it has enabled operators to accelerate the implementation of new services across multiple generations of networks, while dramatically simplifying the core network and reducing operating costs.

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