R Systems Wellbeing Awareness Month

This year, October was R Systems Wellbeing Awareness Month – the time to reflect, focus and act on our wellbeing all around: body, mind, connection, happiness.

We aim to create a work culture where skills and performance are valued as much as people who bring them along. The internal Wellbeing Awareness project was just a natural extension of our constant efforts to put people in the center of our attention.

The entire month of October was more than a series of trainings, workshops, competitions and team activities, it was a time to guide, to learn, to inspire and to get inspired and we’re hoping some of what was shared will stay with us for the long term.

“In good shape” was our first themed week and started strong with a nutrition workshop ran by @Agata Jasińska, psycho dietitian, certified coach ACC ICF, and diet coach. We talked about the link between nutrition, energy level and burnout risk, reflected on the “perfect diet” term, what to consider when choosing ready-made food, the importance of listening to our bodies and its needs, and much more.

The second week of the month – “In tune with myself” – opened the discussions about emotional wellbeing and coping with stress, with @Tomasz Janiak, a trainer & master action learning coach and consultant. He introduced us to the scientific facts about happiness, and tools to boost mood, energy and comfort. We had a chat about expressing our needs and asking for help as well as receiving such requests, and how to achieve greater satisfaction in life. Coaching consultations with our own certified coach ACC ICF, @Anna Kozoń, were available throughout the whole week.

Team communication and connection was the main topic of the third wellbeing awareness week, exploring the impact of communication and how different communication styles affect the way we connect with others. Interactive workshops and internal team competitions brought the best of our creativity to the surface.

Everything led the way to an open discussion about happiness, the science of happiness (!) and simple strategies we can use to achieve happier living.
Did we say we are a competitive bunch? Well, there were competitions alright! So were there l
ots of gatherings, conversations, fun time over delicious food, cool prizes –  judging by the interest and engagement such initiative was very much needed, and we plan to keep them coming. Huge thanks to @Ania Kozoń for being the master mind behind it, and to all who participated in the activities! Nice to watch our teams and communities come together, despite the distance and remote work reality.

 💫 Our thoughts after R Systems Wellbeing Awareness Month? Good food, active lifestyle, enjoying happy times, accepting sad ones, and staying connected to ourselves and others. What are yours?

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