Cloud deployment using Infrastructure-as-Code

The Challenge

Our Client, Bridgehead Software, helping healthcare organizations consolidate vital patient, clinical and administrative data, safeguard the information, and make it easily accessible to staff as part of a 360-degree view, had to carry manual deployments for each customer.

Those operations were very time consuming and had to be done individually for each project, from scratch.

The Need

The Client was looking to deploy their products using infrastructure as code, to gain absolute repeatability of environments and to replicate environments fast and easy.

The Solution

R Systems helped the Client deploy their product, Healthstore, on various Cloud platforms chosen by the customers (AWS, Microsoft Azure, etc.), using Terraform, with remarkable results:

  • A good reference architecture that can be deployed for multiple customers, with security and performance benefits,
  • Flexibility in choosing cloud providers,
  • High Availability using site recovery services,
  • Significant efficiencies gained with regard to time, costs and complexity.

“We engaged with R Systems who are incredibly knowledgeable in this space and articulated our requirements. R Systems’ […] interpretation of these requirements […] was pretty much spot on, and then we engaged with their engineering staff to go off an develop  what we think is a quite clever Terraform and pipeline technology, that lets us deploy all these environments.”
David Moysen, IT Director, Bridgehead Software

Click here to download and read the full case study.

Join our colleague, Sunil Kumar, R Systems Cloud Solutions Director – UK for an exciting talk with David Moysen, Bridgehead Software IT Director, to find out more interesting insights on this success story.

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