R Systems hosted the monthly meeting of Bucharest Java Users Group

October 22, 2015. Bucharest. R Systems hosted of the monthly meeting of the Bucharest Java Users Group, being represented by Florin Ganea – System Architect.

Florin’s presentation – Multithreading Inside Out – brought into the limelight the insides of multithreading programming, going from bare concepts and hardware support, to the Java VM implementation approach and beyond.

He unveiled the common myths about speed and correctness, with examples and benchmarks, bringing a new perspective on already known best practices and design patterns.

About Bucharest Java Users Group

JUG Bucharest wants to create a powerful community of developers who use the Java platform, Scala, Groovy, Clojure, JRuby or any other language based on the JVM (Java Virtual Machine).

Bucharest Java Users Group in numbers: 310 members, 5 past meetups with national and international speakers, subjects such as: APIs, Evolution of Garbage Collection in the HotSpot Virtual Machine, Immutable Infrastructure: the new App Deployment, CQRS and event sourcing.

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