R Systems – track partners of 4Developers Festival in Poland

R Systems is track partner in this year’s edition of 4DEVELOPERS FESTIVAL, the biggest interdisciplinary IT festival for programmers in Poland. Starting 24 May 2021, you are invited to attend the five-day online event, split by several tracks like DevOps, Testing, Cloud, Machine Learning and many more.

R Systems will join the discussions on May 25th, 2021, starting 10.00 EET, along the Cloud track. Our colleagues, Anna Bolimowska, Cloud Engineer, and Ryszard Dałkowski, Cloud Architect, are proposing a hot topic “IaaS doesn’t give up – Azure VM Scale Set #4Developers” around  an equally hot although pointless debate: “what is better #4Developers: IaaS or PaaS?”. Our proposal: why not to combine best of both worlds – freedom of choice and elasticity of IaaS with the easy management and scalability of PaaS? Infrastructure is still strong and will not give up – with Azure VM Scale Set we have an almost perfect combination.

Working with Microsoft Azure daily, Anna is fascinated by the DevOps philosophy, especially by the topic of automation and simplification of life – for others and for herself. Her approach: “If you’re any good at all, you know you can be better”. According to his own words, Ryszard is a dinosaur, the one that forgot to die off, always evolving – from blue collar worker to cloud solutions architect, from manufacturing plant, through Microsoft, up to working on his own. As Cloud Architect in R Systems, Ryszard led our Cloud Academy for the last 2 months and equipped attendees for Azure Administrator certification. Despite his technical background, always a business-oriented person, he represents the “IT for Business” approach.

We are also proud to welcome all attendees throughout the event to our virtual stand. Join us to find out all about our career opportunities and all the great innovations we work with every day, to improve everyone’s life. Visit 4DEVELOPERS FESTIVAL webpage (Interdyscyplinarny Festiwal IT dla Programistów (4developers.org.pl) to discover all the details about the event and how you can register.

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