Webinar: Modern developer experience, CI/CD workflows

We invite you to view the recording of the presentation by Mihai Ionita, Solution Architect, at Codecamp – The One with Java, on September 29, 2020.

There are many alternatives for cloud-native CI/CD workflows, in the community. Some more mature, other not so, but promising. In the telecom industry, choosing the right technology is important to ensure a stable development baseline, for a longer period of time, able to provide the required stability and performance: tier-1, millions of end-customers, up-time in the high 9s, etc. 

What the current challenges are, with emphasis on testing, code-coverage (Jacoco), consolidated across many services and multiple parallel integration test environments and why Skaffold is a good addition. All in the context of Java being the programming language behind most of the projects scheduled to benefit from these CI/CD workflows.

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